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Don Sherfick

What Hoosiers need to realize is that even if the Indiana General Assembly were to pass a law making the Wrongful Death statute applicable to same-sex couples, it would be wiped back off the books if HJR-6 were to become part of Indiana's Constitution. That measure has already passed the legislature once, and if it passes again in 2013, will go to the voters in November 2014. Since it not only bans same sex marriage, but anything "substantially similar" to marriage, if the voters approve it, no future legislature could remedy similar inequalities and injustices such as the tragic Fairgrounds episode has highlighted.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts and views about this matter. Keep us posted.

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si los votantes lo aprueban, ni una legislatura futura podría poner remedio a las desigualdades e injusticias similares, como la Feria del trágico episodio ha puesto de relieve.

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if the voters approve it, no future legislature could remedy similar inequalities and injustices such as the tragic Fairgrounds episode has highlighted.

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